Dragos Falie
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  • Distance errors correction for the Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras
    D. Falie, V. Buzuloiu, "Distance errors correction for the Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras", Fourth European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications (ECCSC'08), July 10-11, 2008, Bucharest, Romania (pp. 121-124)
  • Further investigations on ToF cameras distance errors and their corrections
    D. Falie, V. Buzuloiu, "Further investigations on ToF cameras distance errors and their corrections", Fourth European Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications (ECCSC'08), July 10-11, 2008, Bucharest, Romania (pp. 125-128).
  • Distance Errors Correction for the Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras_IST2008
    D. Falie, V. Buzuloiu, "Distance Errors Correction for the Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras", IEEE Workshop on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST2008), September 10-12, 2008, Chania, Crete, Greece (pp. 123-126)
  • Wide Range Time of Flight Camera for outdoor surveillance
    D. Falie, V. Buzuloiu, "Wide Range Time of Flight Camera for outdoor surveillance", 2008 Microwaves, Radar and Remote Sensing Symposium (MRRS-2008), September 22-24, 2008 Kiev, Ukraine (pp. 79-82).
  • Acurate distance measurements with the Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras
    D. Falie1, L. David, A. Pacureanu, "Acurate distance measurements with the Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras"; Workshop on Signal Processing Systems for Wireless Communications - SPSWC 2008, Cluj - Romania.
  • Respiratory Motion Visualization and the Sleep Apnea Diagnosis with the Time of Flight (ToF) camera
    D. Falie, M. Ichim, L. David, “Respiratory Motion Visualization and the Sleep Apnea Diagnosis with the Time of Flight (ToF) camera”. Visualisation, Imaging and Simulation (VIS'08), Bucharest, 2008.
  • 3D Image Correction for Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras
    D. Falie,”3D Image Correction for Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras”, 7156-132,International Conference of Optical Instrument and Technology- OIT08, 2008, Beijing – China.
    S. SOARE1, T. CRACIUNESCU2, M. CURUIA1, V. KIPTILY3, I. LENGAR4, A. MURARI5, P.PRIOR3, M. ANGHEL1, G. BONHEURE6, M. CONSTANTIN1, T. EDLINGTON3, D. FALIE2,F. Le GUERN7, A. PANTEA2, S. POPOVICHEV3, V. RICCARDO3, V. THOMPSON3, I. TISEANU2 and JET EFDA contributors*, THE DESIGN OF NEUTRON FILTERS FOR THE JET GAMMA-RAY CAMERAS, Conferinta ICSIT Rm.Valcea : "Progrese in criogenie si separari izotopice", editia a 14-a,October 29, 2008,
  • Upgrade of the JET Gamma-Ray Cameras
    S. Soare,a V. Zoita,b T. Craciunescu,b M. Curuia,a V. Kiptily,c I. Lengar,d A. Murari,e P. Prior,c M. Anghel,a G. Bonheure,f M. Constantin,a E. David,a T. Edlington,c D. Falie,b S. Griph,c F. Le Guern,g Y. Krivchenkov,c M. Loughlin,c A. Pantea,b S. Popovichev,c V. Riccardo,c B. Syme,c V. Thompson,c and I. Tiseanub, Upgrade of the JET Gamma-Ray Cameras,Burning Plasma Diagnostics - International Conference Varenna, Italy - March 12, 2008 -- Volume 988, pp. 299-302, ISBN 9780735405073
  • Super-heated fluid detectors for neutron measurements at JET
    M. GHERENDIa*, V. KIPTILYb, V. ZOITAa, S. CONROYc, T. EDLINGTONb, D. FALIE a, A MURARId, A. PANTEAa, S. POPOVICHEVb, M. SANTALAe, S. SOAREf AND JET-EFDA CONTRIBUTORS, "Super-heated fluid detectors for neutron measurements at JET", JOURNAL OF OPTOELECTRONICS AND ADVANCED MATERIALS Vol. 10, No. 8, August 2008, p. 2092 - 2094
  • Measurements with ToF cameras and their necessary corrections
    S. Oprisescu, D. Falie, M. Ciuc, and V. Buzuloiu. Measurements with ToF cameras and their necessary corrections. In IEEE Sym. on Signals Circuits & Systems (ISSCS), session on Alg. for 3D ToF-cameras, pages 221–224, 2007
  • Noise characteristics of 3D time-of-flight cameras
    D. Falie and V. Buzuloiu. Noise characteristics of 3D time-of-flight cameras. In IEEE Sym. on Signals Circuits & Systems (ISSCS), session on Alg. for 3D ToFcameras, pages 229–232, 2007.
  • Upgrade of the JET Gamma-Ray Cameras-2
    S. Soare, V. Zoita, T. Craciunescu, M. Curuia, V. Kiptily, I. Lengar, A. Murari, P. Prior, M. Anghel, G. Bonheure, M. Constantin, E. David, T. Edlington, D. Falie, S. Griph, F. Le Guern, Y. Krivchenkov, M. Loughlin, A. Pantea, S. Popovichev, V. Riccardo, B. Syme, V. Thompson, I. Tiseanu, Upgrade of the JET Gamma-Ray Cameras, International Conference on Burning Plasma Diagnostics, Varenna, Italy Sep 24-28, 2007.

  • Time resolving measurements of plasma focus neutron energy spectrum
    D. Falie, N. Mandache, F. Spineanu, M. Vlad, V. Zoita, " Time resolving measurements of plasma focus neutron energy spectrum ", 4th Workshop on Plasma Focus & Z-Pinch Res., Warsaw, 1985
  • Pulsed Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of a Radio-Frequency Neon Plasma
    I.I.Popescu, A.Surmeian, D.Falie, M.A.Bratescu, "Pulsed Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of a Radio-Frequency Neon Plasma", Analele Universitatii “Alex. Ioan Cuza” din Iasi (1988)
  • Pulsed Laser Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Neon and Hydrogen Levels
    I.I.Popescu, D.Popescu, A.Surmeian, D.Falie, M.Bratescu, "Pulsed Laser Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Neon and Hydrogen Levels" Int.Conf.TQE Bucharest september 1985, p. 357
  • Ultrafast Electrono-Optical Recording System for the Investigation of Luminous Phenomena Occurring in Hydrogen Plasmas
    Dragos FALIE, 1987, Bucharest Univ., "Ultrafast Electrono-Optical Recording System for the Investigation of Luminous Phenomena Occurring in Hydrogen Plasmas", PhD. Thesis.
  • Work on Atomic Frequency-Time Standards based on Hydrogen
    O. C. GHEORGHIU, Liviu C. GIURGIU, D. FALIE, C. MANDACHE, T. BOCANICIU Work on Atomic Frequency-Time Standards based on Hydrogen J. de Phys. 42, supp. 12, C8, 519, (1981)

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