Scoala Internationala de Primavara
Editia a patra, francofona



( Mai 1998, Bucuresti)

Prelegerile constau din cursuri intensive, de nivel postuniversitar, sustinute de profesori renumiti si/sau de tineri cercetatori din tara si strainatate. Prelegerile se desfasoara in limba franceza, cu exceptia celor sustinute de profesorii ne-francofoni care se desfasoara in engleza. Programul scolii este urmatorul:

  • "Markov fields models in computer vision" (24h + 6h applications), Prof. Françoise Prêteux si Dr. Gérard Mozelle, Institut National des Télécommunications Evry, Département Signal et Image.
  • "Lossless and quasi-lossless compression using wavelets" (16h + 4h applications), Dr. Gérard Mozelle, Institut National des Télécommunications Evry, Département Signal et Image.
  • "Biomedical signal and image analysis" (24h + 6h applications), Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, The  University of Calgary, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • "Multivariate image processing and analysis" (24h + 6h applications), Prof. Philippe Bolon and Prof. Patrick Lambert, LAMII, Université de Savoie, Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs d'Annecy.
  • "Mean-square optimal filtering of multidimensional signals" (24h + 6h applications), Prof. Daniel Baudois, ENSIEG, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble.

In the period May 18-20, there were some short conferences (2 - 4 hours) on recent research topics:

  • "Parallel computing structures for image processing and analysis in high energy physics", Dr. Rudolf K. Bock, CERN - Geneva, Switzerland.
  • "Robust image understanding", Dr. Viorel Popescu, Rutgers University, Piscataway, U.S.A.
  • "Networks, network defined functions, evaluations", Prof. Constantin Bucur, Universitatea POLITEHNICA Bucuresti.

Programul de desfasurare:


May 4 - 10

Prof. Françoise Prêteux (F)

May 4 - 10

Dr. Gérard Mozelle (F)

May 4-  15

Prof. Rangaraj M. Rangayyan (CA)

May 10 - 23

Prof. Philippe Bolon (F)

May 10 - 23

Prof. Patrick Lambert (F)

May 14 - 29

Prof. Daniel Baudois (F)