
Perceptual ANalysis and DescriptiOn of Romanian visual Art

PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-0733, contract 253 din 01.10.2015

Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory

Proiect finantat prin UEFISCDI


With the vast expansion of digital painting collections, the art historians and curators gain access to new investigation methods that can help them in comprehending significant larger collections and in more detail. Motivated by such opportunity, there has been a significant escalation in the demand for automatic description of visual art works. In this project we propose, first, the exploration of new description methods based on the isogeodesic curve in logarithmic space that could lead to increasingly accurate artistic genre and school of art recognition. Secondly, we propose to annotate the paintings in terms of gaze fixations, and, thus, to identify saliency regions; the regions distribution and construction should provide additional indications about adherence to a school of art or artistic genre. Thirdly, but, from a point of view, most importantly, we propose to introduce in the international digital analysis domain works from modern and contemporary Romanian artists. Using the previously developed tools, we hope that new correlations and connections between Romanian and international art will be revealed.

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